Thread: RX Snake
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Old 01-21-2009, 08:24 PM   #3
VettezukiVettezuki is offline
I, Vettezuki
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I got the ball rolling and will be doing the major financing, but it wouldn't happen without other members jumping all over it. Here's an overview of the guys who are working on it what is kind of their area:

joedls - donated engine, trans, blower (most likely to crash it )
94cobra69ss396 - fabricating cage, and mounts, consulting on engine, axle, suspension
enkeivette, Death Cult Aaronmageddon (my brother) will be doing a lot of the paint and body
Leedom - logo design and production
BRUTAL64 - porting, engine consulting and building
Big2Bird - Electrical, general trouble maker

Others have already put in time turning wrenches and helping strip and clean. It's a genuine group effort.

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