Originally Posted by Rodsknockin
I thought you wanted to open up a dialog but I'm not so sure now but I will try one more time. My name is Bob Green, 63 years old , my employ is none or your business and is irrelevant,the part you seem to be concerned with is my "volunteer" position. My volunteer position has nothing to do with law enforcement and I am not an attorney. The volunteer organization is also none of your business for obvious reasons. Our group has found that prosecuting people that are abusing the internet is very time consuming,expensive and sometimes next to impossible but by simply gathering info as to what the person has been doing and presenting that information to the right place or person can have a drastic effect on that persons ability to continue. In some case this info is given to this persons employer. If the person has been bullying from a work computer this gives the employer some good leverage. If this person is a trouble maker at work the employer can use this info to put some pressure on this person or just get rid of them. If there is a child involved we just hand it over to the police. In some cases we give the info to a spouse but not usually.
Oh and to whom it may concern (djDip)one of our IPs is Siscom and I am in Florida.
So as a volunteer it's your job to instigate others into defending themselves so that you can turn something over to their employer or spouse?
Originally Posted by Rodsknockin
Birdbrain is this  the best you can do ? Come on bring something of substance. I think you have a few feathers missing. 
This doesn't seem right to me.