Ron: At least I wasn't "feeling you up" as Dick Knockin seems to enjoy doing

Of all the people at CF, I guarantee Dick Knockin knows the least about me.
I have been banned a total of 3 times. Twice from CF. One time I did it on purpose because I was fooling with (defeating) the forum censor. I was back in in 1 week. Second time was for questioning the great and powerful Oz (DB) for the legality of recommending the installation and him selling tail lights that were not DOT-approved. I said it was irresponsible and would get people tickets. I asked if he was gonna pay the fine. The mods in his pocket would have no questioning of Oz about something like that and I was banned. I am now back there. Although what remains of CF is pretty sad. Typical questions over there are "Do most people back in or pull in when they park". I shit you not. That is a REAL concern (and a real thread) at CF!!!!
I was banned once and am still banned from DC. I asked for specific and precise information on what was and wasn't allowed to be posted at DC. I was accused of "questioning a mods decision" and banned for it. This was after the mod had agreed to go to Patrick for a ruling. While DC started out as a cool place and a nice refuge from CF, it ended up being pretty much the same thing. Plus I think there are more mods over there than members. When the orginal group from CF that went there left to VM, the C3 section ended up being mainly posts
from mods
to mods about what the weather was like in their area. A shame...that could have been a cool place.
Motorgen has this location and it's something that is needed on every forum.
It is quickly becoming my favorite car forum. And yes, I have posted in car threads located here besides this section.
VM is pretty cool. But quite honestly I don't go there anywhere near as often as Dick Knockin would have everyone believe. And the guys who left CF for there don't sit around conspiring about how to mess with DB next. We have REAL lives to lead