Originally Posted by kwplot34
Now that there is funny  Beware of the Kool-aid dispensing super hero
D_B since you have so many friends that speak on your behalf,about what kind of stand up,generous,giving,donating,and soon to be accepted into Saint hood,guy that you are. How come none of them give you the money to take of your debt???????????????????
Insert your pathetic story here.
Well put, after my first post about not receiving the paid for heads on CF, many members there were on DB's side. That would be the, "Durango_Boy Where are My Heads" thread. This really upset me, but not much I could do with the mods there on his side and locking the thread. When DW offered to start a thread to pass the hat, I accepted. My goal was to see how many of those who supported DB, and put me down, were willing to buy their hero's debt. I would have taken their money, but not from those who were just trying to help me. A pit buddy giving me $50 in sympathy wasn't my goal. It turned out his supporters were hard to find when it was going to cost them, so I declined the offers made. The comment I like best was to collect to pay an attorney to prosecute. You are so right, where are those DB supporters in his time of needed support? Could it be the Kool-Aid has worn off?