Originally Posted by BADDASSC6
So hanging out makes you a certified machinists LS7 head experts? No. Your reading comprehension sucks because 1) 20 cars is not a ton of cars 2) rocker arms are not valves and springs and 3) even the people that say there was an issue stated its was limited to 06, 07, and 08 model years. Meaning that whatever the issue was has long been resolved even though the exhaust valves are still two piece sodium filled valves (not mentioning spring because no reference has been made about a change to them in your referenced threads). This also means that the issue ( if there ever was one) was resolved before the 2014 Z28 release. You filled this thread up with more of your standard useless post. Thanks for trolling.
It makes me more a machinist than you, since I dunno, actually do machining. It was more tHan 20 cars, Chevy does sell those heads aftermarket, but none of the failed right? Many reports of 09 and 10 models but you ignored that, go ahead and keep drinking the GM cool aid, they're perfect. Thanks for the entertainment.