Originally Posted by Vettezuki
I think it makes obvious sense to stick with Joe's 174, which apparently only needs some parts to be repaired. Wonder if it can be cost effectively improved during repair?
If we're going to build a purpose built car, even if it's dirt cheap, I think it makes sense to target the mid 11s or faster. This, however, means we'll need to cage it, which probably ain't such a bad idea for safety and all.
Hell, the basic 174 is going to be plenty of boost. We're going for a 2,500 lbs or less vehicle. Traction is going to be a BIG problem. We are in "Old Cobra" thinking here.
Yes, some sort of cage is going to be needed.

We need a name for this--- Like Mazbra or something simular?? "Cobza"---you get the idea.