Originally Posted by Durango_Boy
I didn't see a point in continuing to argue with them. They do fine all by themselves. I will clear up a few things..........
The alternator clocking thing is just another topic they love to rip on me about, so here's a proof pic to shut them up, because guess what, MOST CS130 cases cannot be clocked for mounting purposes at all, and yes, as I suggested to the original poster, it's better to take it back to Oreilly and exchange it for a case that is already suited for your application without having to crack it open and void the warranty.
Now let me refresh your memory. The ORIGINAL thread about clocking was about an SI type alternator. Something I have done for 40 years. You seem to have failed to mention that. Also, FWIW, nowhere is it said it voids the warranty. As long as you have the receipt, no one looks for a secret "seal".
Mr Harris. The ROOT of this entire delema lies in the fact Mr DB has never admitted to being wrong about anything. He merely slants/distorts/spins things around to explain things.
His explanation above took 2 years of intense effort on his part to explain something I already know, but proves ZERO about the original point. "How to clock an SI alternator.