Thread: Conspiracy
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Old 12-29-2008, 11:33 AM   #316
SeanPlunkSeanPlunk is offline
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Originally Posted by Durango_Boy View Post
I DID contact Mike when I damaged the set and told him what happened. We almost canceled it all right there. But, I knew I could still get him the heads from the same guy for the same price and Mike would still get his good deal. He did approve the idea to have me send the money to the machine shop and have a new set sent to him directly.

Very true, and I will hold them responsible as soon as I can, but that isn't Mike's problem, it's mine. I tossed the money order receipt when they received the money order, as I wasn't expecting any problems and the money order was received just fine.

No, he did it because I was going to send him the money that Mike paid me to machine down a sender. He was going to have me send the money when his Paypal account was back up. This decision happened during the time that the valves were the delay, and he did the work because we were waiting. Remember, this is someone I was friendly with and he was trying to keep me happy.

You read wrong, he didn't tell me to get a hold of him later for the tracking, I said that I had to contact him again to ask for tracking...which is when I found out there wasn't any.

Look, I have shipped things USPS before where there was no tracking offered and none bought so I know it's possible to have an untracked and uninsured package out there. I know that they don't even ask you sometimes so I can see how someone else could misunderstand when you're used to automatic tracking through UPS.

Here's an angle that no one seems to consider. Mind you I am NOT, repeat, NOT, accusing Mike of doing anything of the sort, but no one has even asked or considered that maybe Mike DID receive the heads and they are hidden in his basement.

Without tracking or insurance, no one would be able to say if he did or not, and it's certainly possible if he knows he can cause a huge stink and he gets his money back.

I was assured they were sent...maybe they were, and maybe they were received.

Besides, the only problem is me trying to come up with the cash to pay back Mike. None of you guys are involved or have a say when Mike and I have communicated this. Is he happy? Nope. Would I be if I were in his shoes? Nope. Is there anything I can do about it now except pay him back? Nope. Am I doing that? Yep.

Where did you but the money order from? I work for a credit union and we can get copies of money orders going back pretty much forever. Maybe you could go back to where you got it and they could provide you a copy?