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Old 12-26-2008, 03:59 PM   #36
VettezukiVettezuki is offline
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Originally Posted by DJ Dep View Post
Geez!!! The mods scared the poop out of me!!! I thought I was back at CF and a thread had been "sanitized!!
Sure glad to see parts of it were just relocated.
Not a chance. Sean, myself, and a secret 3rd person are the site owners. You wanna see a real blood bath get me and him going about politics or economics. The funny thing is we agree more than disaggree, but it still usually ends with me calling him a commie-pinko-hippie-tree-hugger.

I have to agee with big_G 100%. Schoolbooks have been so distorted that I get scared looking at them. If I had kids (which I don't), I'm pretty sure they would be home-schooled. Or at the very least, I would have to look at what the books in the school had in them and "re-educate" my kids at home to correct all the errors. Way too much is expected from schools nowadays. Besides an education, schools are expected to teach morals, sex education, and discipline. Yet if a teacher whacks a kid, the teacher will be in court the next day. That's why so many kids are being sent to Catholic schools for their education. If a parent isn't going to take an active part in raising their kid, I think they should send him to a military academy. They can instill what public schools can't. Not sure what you would do for a girl, though. A convent?
I don't kow the current state of K-12 text books. Though some of the superficial things I read scare the crap out of me. There seems to be (particlarly in CA) tremendendous social indoctrination going on.

I can really . . . REALLY go off on the history of public education in the US. But it is not a new thing by any means. Go back to Wilson (one of hte most frightening Presidents in American history) who quite openly said, "it is our intention to make them as unlike their fathers as possible." That was almost a 100 years ago. Heck the modern concept of public education in the US traces back directly to Frederick the Great, whose basic concept was to create nice little automatons to fill the ranks of the Prussian Army. Public education is intended to create machines for the State. There is little concept of expanding true free thinking, adverserial systems, skeptical inquiry, expanding individual talent, etc. ["Full inclusion" under no child left behind is taking this poorness to new lows.] Think of it, rows and rows of children being spoon fed what the State wants them to learn and graded on how well they regurgitate it. Does that sound like education? Sounds like brain washing to me.

I don't have children. But if I did I'd almost certainly home school through a young age, maybe up to middle school or so, then send them to a private school unless I was lucky enough to live in a very good public school district.

On a less "Brave New World" note. I went to a Catholic School, Military Academy, and Public Schools. Without question the principle difference between the public and private, was the nature of the relationship between myself and the teachers. It was far more personal at the private schools and was exemplified by an expectation to succeed. The pubic schools in my anecdotal experience weren't wholly careless, but somewhat more ambivalent for sure.
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