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Old 12-26-2008, 03:28 PM   #32
VettezukiVettezuki is offline
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Originally Posted by SeanPlunk View Post

Decaf for you my friend.

I went to public schools and never once was I taught that parents aren't necessary. In fact, I remember one of the first social studies lessons being about the nuclear family in 3rd grade.
Let's be honest, you went to public school in a pretty decent part of O.C., not far from such landmarks as the Nixon Library. Need I say more. That's your frame of reference. I have a friend who teaches grade school in Compton. Guess what? It's rather different. Lots of young idealistic teachers who've been trained with child psychology and development models that DO NOT WORK in those environments. I asked him once, "so, did what you learn during your credential program work." His response, "No. What works is almost the exact opposite of what we were taught." This a whole other subject. You're both right depending on context.

Finally, my wife and I don't have kids yet, but the reality is that when we do we will both have to continue working. We don't live in a giant mansion, but the reality of life in Southern California is that it most times does require two incomes. If both parents are doing their job though, this doesn't have to be a bad thing. Plenty of perfectly normal kids have come out of homes where both parents worked.
It drives me nuts when people say "I have no choice." That's rarely the real story. They choose. They choose to live in nicer parts of OC with insuffecient single incomes to support that life style choice. That's fine, but it's their choice to make that exchange. I have members in my family that followed that pattern, and some who explicity chose to live in less Gucci areas and not buy non-essential items, precisely so mom could stay home. That was the higher value for them, and they made choices to support that priority. You WANT to live where you live. You WANT to have a play car. That's 100% fine. But it's not a reality beyond your control.
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