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Old 12-26-2008, 11:17 AM   #20
DJ DepDJ Dep is offline
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Geez!!! The mods scared the poop out of me!!! I thought I was back at CF and a thread had been "sanitized!!
Sure glad to see parts of it were just relocated.

I have to agee with big_G 100%. Schoolbooks have been so distorted that I get scared looking at them. If I had kids (which I don't), I'm pretty sure they would be home-schooled. Or at the very least, I would have to look at what the books in the school had in them and "re-educate" my kids at home to correct all the errors. Way too much is expected from schools nowadays. Besides an education, schools are expected to teach morals, sex education, and discipline. Yet if a teacher whacks a kid, the teacher will be in court the next day. That's why so many kids are being sent to Catholic schools for their education. If a parent isn't going to take an active part in raising their kid, I think they should send him to a military academy. They can instill what public schools can't. Not sure what you would do for a girl, though. A convent?