Originally Posted by big_G
It's all about the dumbing down of society. Let the govt. be the nanny. Take all control of raising your children and let the govt. do it. Social promotion, day care, pre-k. It's all there to assist the govt. schools to brain-wash the kiddies into thinking the parents aren't needed to raise them. Look who is teaching our children today. Yesterday's hippies. Guys like Ward Churchill and William Ayres. Don't get me started about 2 income families. Instead of Mom staying home to raise the kiddies, she's out working so they can have a McMansion and 2 new cars. 
Decaf for you my friend.
I went to public schools and never once was I taught that parents aren't necessary. In fact, I remember one of the first social studies lessons being about the nuclear family in 3rd grade.
As far as the quality of teachers, it's of course hit or miss. To simply say that a bunch of hippy teachers are ruining our society though is insane. I work for a credit union for educators and can attest to the fact that most of them are very decent, caring individuals. Also although you may not believe it, many of them have their own families. Shocking, isn't it?
Finally, my wife and I don't have kids yet, but the reality is that when we do we will both have to continue working. We don't live in a giant mansion, but the reality of life in Southern California is that it most times does require two incomes. If both parents are doing their job though, this doesn't have to be a bad thing. Plenty of perfectly normal kids have come out of homes where both parents worked.