Originally Posted by DJ Dep
Agree 100%. And I can't even see installing all that crap to keep the kids calm. We never had all that junk as kids.
Nor did you have Color TV, Cell phones, The computer you are writing on, the Forum we are posting on, The DVD/VCR you watched last night, or the fuel injection on your truck, nor...............................
When you are stuck in So Cal traffic for 2 hours with the kids, TV's in the back is not a crime. If they had them when I had my dually, I would have installed them.
However, I DO not understand, nor will I ever, RAP music at 170db's.

I have been an audiophile for 40 years, and have a 6' tall 18" rack at home with the speakers to go with it. I like most music, and tend to play it louder than Mrs Bird cares for.
But while driving, I tend to leave it off, except when going thru the wasteland called N.M.
Before we get WAY further off topic, let's keep our arrows pointed in the same direction for now. Okay?