Thread: Conspiracy
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Old 12-24-2008, 07:42 PM   #180
big2birdbig2bird is offline
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Originally Posted by DJ Dep View Post
"So, let's say that your main concern is your subs and Neon lights and NOT your 164hp L48 mill." lost me right there. One of the first things I did on my Vette to reduce weight after I tore out the AC and heater and power brake booster was to lose the radio and speakers. I swear the factory Vette AM/FM radio must weigh 25 pounds!!! And I will NOT be putting any music makers back in. If it was legal I would use a .30/06 on every illegal alien running around with boomboxes on wheels. But that's just me
If I want to listen to some nice hot rod tunes, I will pop my famous DJ Dep Hot Rod music CDROM into a nice home entertainment system and relax in my easy chair. I find it as incomprehensible spending a small fortune to listen to music in my car as I do those people who spend a couple of grand or more to get a laptop with a hi-res monitor to watch movies on. Why would you do that when you can watch it on a huge widescreen TV in your living room?????

I also removed anything else in the Vette that was dead weight. And my motor will NOT be some enemic Caprice taxicab motor. I will have an Accel alternator that can be turned off and on from a switch on the dashboard.
In car will not a "PW".

Old Fart. He just asked a question. Your car is a track car only.