Thread: Conspiracy
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Old 12-24-2008, 07:18 PM   #176
enkeivetteenkeivette is offline
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Originally Posted by mybad79 View Post
If I had something for sale that you want... would you send me a check/MO ???

Until not so long ago we were able to send MO or a personal check for something we bought from long time members off the CF sale section ... now because of one individual who has apparently no intentions to refund the money or send the item we now have to step back and resort to credit cards/Paypal to have leverage when a deal goes south.... thanks everybody at the other forum who supports the guy who does not deliver and at the same time making the victim look like the bad guy

Well, I agree on any other other internet purchase: CC / Paypal ... buyer be careful out there ...
I would trust YOU, if I was selling a used clutch and you wanted to check it out first, I'd go so far as to ship it to you and await payment after I get your approval. But $800 for a set of heads? Think I'd stick with PayPal just for peace of mind. I wouldn't demand a COD or anything, but how hard is it to PayPal someone?

Originally Posted by DJ Dep View Post
Alternators...I'm no electrical expert like DB (haha). But an alternator only puts out what the system demands. I can see installing a high output single alternator if you have a ton of electrical doodads on the car that drain the battery or electrical system. But dual alternators would only be useful as a conversation piece. Even a dual battery car can use a single alternator to charge both batteries. They have a device that automatically switches the charging power over to the battery needing a charge.
No, don't start using words like always, never and only. You're asking for trouble.

Let's do some quick math, and Bird feel free to correct.

Assuming that the stock alternator was good for about... 60 amps??? And assuming that a C3 in stock form would suck all of those 60 amps, we have a starting point.

So, let's say that your main concern is your subs and Neon lights and NOT your 164hp L48 mill. You decide that you want to mount two 15" long travel subs in the back of your Vette. And yes, they'll fit, mounted at an angle. And each of these subs are monsters and can handle a whopping 2,000 watts (not all that unlikely, I have three 15s in my room, purpose built and they can all handle 2,000 watts.) So now we need an amp that can put out 4,000 watts (RMS) at 13.8 volts that would be 4000/13.8 = 290... amps! Now we're going to go with an electric fan (not all that uncommon) and I think that Mark IV fan that everyone is in love with will suck ...40 amps??? So 60+290+40 = 390, throw some Neon bling under there and we're at 400amps and some OTT!

Admittedly, this would be one unusual C3. And I personally am running an aftermarket head unit and two electric fans on a stock alternator. In my highschool days before I cared about weight I actually had a 500 watt amp and a 12" sub in there. But still on the stock alternator.

With 140 amp alternators being fairly common, with some quick rough math once again, you'd need at least an... (140-60 = 80x13.8 = about 1100) 1100 watt RMS amp to suck up all of that, at least. And seeing as how most aftermarket amps have bullshit ratings (rated at MAX power which is ususally twice as high as the RMS output, or purely a bullshit number) you'd realistically need more than a "2200 watt amp " to suck up all that just one high output alternator could supply.

And yeah, clocking has nothing to do with dual alternators.
I <3 forced induction.