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Old 04-13-2013, 02:38 AM   #1234
VettezukiVettezuki is offline
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Originally Posted by enkeivette View Post
Public Defenders and OAC always have Spanish speaking lawyers. If he was given a lawyer who cant speak Spanish its prob because no one gives a fuck about him and theyre not planning to fight very hard, and the judge just wants to make sure things go fairly and by the book so nothing will be turned over on appeal.

Dont worry, give it time, he will be fucked by the long dick of the law. My money is on negligent homicide if he plea bargains, reckless indifference murder if he doesnt. (Based on what Ive read here.) If he was drunk or stoned, felony murder.

This is all I'm going to say about it unless ya'lls want to move it the politics forum which is hidden from non-registered users and doesn't hit the front page.

The machinations of judicial process are hard to grock when confronted with a senseless death.

As for the law, it should be treated the same as if it were a tourist visiting the US, a legal alien resident, a citizen, etc.

I cannot blame a poor Mexican peasant who comes from the hinterlands North a bit to find work and send money home to his family. Why? It's the best option available to him for the reality of life. I would do the same thing. I cannot blame someone for doing what I would do. What would you do?

My ancestors came to the US in the mid 19th century. There was no particularly formal process. They showed up and started making their lives. (We'll side step the minor detail that there were people here before any of our ancestors . . except MustangRay . . and that they got the most epic fucking of all.) Nevertheless, America's remarkable position in history is a function of its openness over the centuries, NOT a very typical closed attitude.

Treat criminals as criminals regardless of where they are from. A person is not a criminal because of where they are from.
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