Originally Posted by st-evo-9*corn fed-8urvet*
lol u crazy kids swear like im gonna break somethign on my car bwahahah once my clutch is in my evo will have its awd launch advantage back...  lol
but ya this chick was like hot.....truth be told as much as i love hot chick i dont get this sprung over them, she was like cute *which have a lot more potential* she was like 5'2" pretty thin in a black jacket i believe with a little mexican boy that followed her around im hoping not ur b/f :-( ! and she looked like she was around my age like 18-20 maybe even 17 jail bate status but im still 20...so its kind of ok i think? lol
anywho which 350z board was this? maybe she posted on it? im so down to try and get her to show up to the evo meet next weekend.....as you guys can see i have a thing for white blondes...call me old fashion but hugh heffner got it right the first time
oh ya and the fact that she's into cars and doesnt look like a lesbo or can crush you with a handshake lol is awsome!!!
anywho now that ive made myself seem irregularly creepy, back to car talk...........
i just purchased my 114lb injectors :-) hooray for throwing away fuel faster then you can fill up your tank lol
on a side not i have 94lb injectors for sale for anyone thats interested all most off you guys will need is another set of 4 injectors and ull have the whole set  kind of like pokemon "u have to catch them all" lol
Thanks for talking about me...? I joined the forum... and to clear things up, im 18, hes not my boyfriend just a really good friend(and he IS NOT mexican!!!

), i am into cars and actually know about them, and my really good friend (who you all thought was my boyfriend) has a 350z so he saw the post on the forum...