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Old 12-12-2008, 11:40 AM   #13
VettezukiVettezuki is offline
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Originally Posted by BRUTAL64 View Post
. . .It's not how much you pay on sticker or even with discounts and sticker, it's how much you pay a month for the vehicle.
Trust me, I'm a fanatic when it comes to cash flow management. One of my favorite words is no. (Does that surprise you.) Which improves positive cash flow, and the bit most people stumble over, frees me to have more cash to do what I want with. It's amazing.

I bought my 82' Vette in 04'. There will be Vettes a plenty for decades to come even if GM is tossed into the dust bin of history. That's not what I want by the way. I'm just livid about even the merest suggestion that a penny of taxpayer dollars go to pay the benefits of ANY private employee of ANY company. However, when I hear UAW reps speak, a tumor begins to form in my brain. They really are shockingly unaware of the world we live in, so I am loathe to support their existence in any way. I'd like to accelerate its end if possible. Like choking off their money supply. After all, they ain't earning it. Until they fix that, I really don't want to do business with them.

Same goes for the state government of CA. Can't wait til they go bankrupt and have to virtually shut down. Grow up mutha-fuckas and stop being so damned selfish. Your killing us.

Anyway, while it's truly tempting to spend some of my available cash on toys because they are way cheap now, I think it is far wiser to be investing, because some real assets are also way cheap now. This will get me a lot closer to my ultimate goal of real freedom. I'm swinging for the fences.
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