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SeanPlunk 01-25-2009 11:53 AM

Last Minute Meet Today, Sunday 1/24
Hey guys,

As long as it's not raining, I'm planning on going to Knowlwoods in Anaheim at 4:30ish and hanging out for a while and having dinner. If any of you can make it, please feel free to join me. Give me a call on my cell @ 714-322-2324 if you have questions :bigthumbsup:


BRUTAL64 01-26-2009 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by SeanPlunk (Post 14264)
Hey guys,

As long as it's not raining, I'm planning on going to Knowlwoods in Anaheim at 4:30ish and hanging out for a while and having dinner. If any of you can make it, please feel free to join me. Give me a call on my cell @ 714-322-2324 if you have questions :bigthumbsup:


On last minute things like this, could you call me and let me know. I don't have Internet access on the weekends.

Phazewun 01-26-2009 03:27 PM

so this is my convo with sean

kevin - hey man what are u doing im bored.. anything going down tonight.

sean - Nope, but we might be having a meet sunday @ knollwoods if you wanna cruise over.

kevin - Ya man for sure hit me up if it goes down ill come by.

Sean- No reply. no call. no love


SeanPlunk 01-26-2009 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by Phazewun (Post 14336)
so this is my convo with sean

kevin - hey man what are u doing im bored.. anything going down tonight.

sean - Nope, but we might be having a meet sunday @ knollwoods if you wanna cruise over.

kevin - Ya man for sure hit me up if it goes down ill come by.

Sean- No reply. no call. no love


Actually, I sent you a text yesterday :bigthumbsup:

My phone shows it went through - I was wondering why you didn't show up...

Phazewun 01-26-2009 03:40 PM

my PM box was full

nextel only allows like 100 messages in the inbox so i had to clear it out....


SeanPlunk 01-26-2009 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by Phazewun (Post 14338)
my PM box was full

nextel only allows like 100 messages in the inbox so i had to clear it out....


So does that make it my fault or yours :p

I'll call you next weekend. What are you doing for the superbowl?

Phazewun 01-26-2009 03:46 PM

uhh prob going to get drunk @ my buddies shop in uppland not 100% sure tho

and no its your fault cause you didnt text me 2 times

SeanPlunk 01-26-2009 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by Phazewun (Post 14341)
uhh prob going to get drunk @ my buddies shop in uppland not 100% sure tho

and no its your fault cause you didnt text me 2 times

LOL, I'm going to start texting you 2x for everything now :pot_stir:

Chate 01-26-2009 04:36 PM

bah i hate living far away
so who showed up?

SeanPlunk 01-26-2009 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by Chate (Post 14351)
bah i hate living far away
so who showed up?

HeyPal with the Turbo Impala
BGN8711 with the Turbo Buick
Sonic03SVT with an 03 Blurple Cobra
Sean with the AMG 55 (blanking on his SN right now)
Dartguy (Vince) with his Dart

We went to Knowlwoods and then went to Vince's to check out his garage :bigthumbsup:

Good times overall.

If only Kevin has answered his text we would have had an STi too :thumbs_up:

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