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enkeivette 05-23-2011 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by ZexGX (Post 75626)

Mine are Total Seal brand, but they are not stainless steel. I figure by the time I can afford to go boost, the ring gaps will have opened up enough to handle the boost.

I could be wrong here, but I'm pretty sure ring gaps don't 'open up.' What are your 1st and 2nd gaps?

enkeivette 05-23-2011 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by ZexGX (Post 75629)
YouTube - ‪It's alive!‬‏ gutted cats bolted on temporarily for first startup/break-in, x-pipe not hooked up for this video

Hells yeah man, come along way since a V6.

Vettezuki 05-23-2011 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by enkeivette (Post 75636)
I could be wrong here, but I'm pretty sure ring gaps don't 'open up.' What are your 1st and 2nd gaps?


ZexGX 05-23-2011 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by enkeivette (Post 75636)
I could be wrong here, but I'm pretty sure ring gaps don't 'open up.' What are your 1st and 2nd gaps?

Oh, I was under the impression that as a motor gets more miles put on it, the ring gap starts to slowly increase as a result of the ring slowly being abraded on the cylinder wall over time... Rings do not ever wear out? Should have told that to my motor BEFORE it started drinking 1qt every 1,300 miles and smoking at WOT. Which it was like that since day 1. Hopefully that's fixed now. Stock LS1's are notorious for oil consumption and blow-by. I'll probably put on 20k-35k miles on it before it gets FI.

SeanPlunk 05-23-2011 01:49 PM

Congrats dude, looks great. Get that blower on now ;)

enkeivette 05-23-2011 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by ZexGX (Post 75646)
Oh, I was under the impression that as a motor gets more miles put on it, the ring gap starts to slowly increase as a result of the ring slowly being abraded on the cylinder wall over time... Rings do not ever wear out? Should have told that to my motor BEFORE it started drinking 1qt every 1,300 miles and smoking at WOT. Which it was like that since day 1. Hopefully that's fixed now. Stock LS1's are notorious for oil consumption and blow-by. I'll probably put on 20k-35k miles on it before it gets FI.

Yes rings wear out, but the ring gaps do not change in size smart ass. :rolleyes2::drink:

The ring gap is the measured distance between the ring ends, not the ring and the cylinder wall. As the ring heats, the ends get pushed closer together.

Boosted engines run hotter and generally require like an extra .01 or so, so that the ring ends (worn rings or not) do not meet, forcing the ring up, putting pressure on the ring land. Causing your already stressed out boosted piston to break off the ring land.

If anyone knows about destroying pistons it's me. :D

enkeivette 05-23-2011 03:10 PM

ZexGX 05-23-2011 03:31 PM

Yeah, sorry. Long day yesterday. I got 2 hours of sleep. Got home at 4:30, slept at 4:50, woke up at 6:50. Took a 5 Hour Energy Extra about an hour ago and it didn't do anything... Still have to drive to my friends house tonight in Simi Valley, install his wideband and tuning laptop for him, and go tuning with him riding shotgun.

enkeivette 05-24-2011 09:28 AM

Since you've already got the motor in the car, I wouldn't worry too much since you're staying relatively low boost and intercooled. My first set of rings were gapped for a NA motor.

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