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Vettezuki 07-09-2010 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by BRUTAL64 (Post 55151)

Well, check Google maps to see what they say.

kdracer73 07-09-2010 06:04 PM

1 hour 20 min from South County w/out traffic-2.5 with traffic :censored::censored:
I am leaving work at 1pm, hauling butt to Fullerton to get Frankie, and getting there asap !

BRUTAL64 07-09-2010 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by Vettezuki (Post 55152)
Well, check Google maps to see what they say.

I might not make it now.:boggled:

94cobra69ss396 07-09-2010 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by SeanPlunk (Post 55139)
The address for the Fuddruckers is:

4423 Mills Circle, Ontario, CA

The lot looks big on google maps. Anyone know the area?

It's only 10 minutes from my house. There is plenty of parking there.

SeanPlunk 07-09-2010 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by 94cobra69ss396 (Post 55157)
It's only 10 minutes from my house. There is plenty of parking there.


Finished directions here. Checked and double checked (I hope). It is as simple as I can make it :D

See everyone tomorrow!

Douglas Mariani 07-09-2010 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by Vettezuki (Post 55146)
Mmm, I was thinking something like 2:00ish for a couple hours then off to the beach for some time under the sun til sunset for example.

A couple hours shooting then off to the beach for some time under the sun til sunset.... Hmmm....that sounds like a better idea plus I could earn some points with my wife with that "Sunset On The Beach" idea. :winner:

Vettezuki 07-09-2010 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by Douglas Mariani (Post 55160)
. . I could earn some points with my wife with that "Sunset On The Beach" idea. :winner:

You gotta earn em before you can cash them in. There is no credit at the love bank. :smack:

gunfish 07-09-2010 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by SeanPlunk (Post 55137)
For dinner tomorrow, I'm thinking of the Fuddruckers at Ontario Mills.

FWIW, there's a "Hat" pastrami place close by...."Pastrami dip (twice) chili cheese fries - well done- good enough for two (4 or 5 on the fries)

OC4g63 07-09-2010 11:13 PM

Looks like I'm not making it despite my attempts to get out of work...srsly pissed but what u gonna do I suppose. Have fun everyone!

Shaolin Crane 07-10-2010 01:13 AM


Originally Posted by Vettezuki (Post 55126)
I do believe they do. But heck, I ain't armed, I just shoot my mouth off. :smack: I'll need to borrow/rent a weapon for the 24th. I was thinking about getting a Sig 522LR (pretty cheap and cool looking too) but I'm pouring what spare cash I have into the Project car and my wife will probably wig out if I pick up another hobby.

PS I'm looking at going outdoors at Prado for the 24th. Much closer to the beach areas than Lytle Creek. The Firing Line doesn't take reservations and looks like they fill up on Saturdays pretty fast.

I'll have a gun you can shoot as long as you purchase teh ammo

Vettezuki 07-10-2010 01:26 AM


Originally Posted by Shaolin Crane (Post 55169)
I'll have a gun you can shoot as long as you purchase teh ammo

Cool thanks. :drink: Whatcha' got? I'd prefer to shoot more rounds of smaller stuff than fewer rounds of bigger as far as the money equation is concerned.

Shaolin Crane 07-10-2010 02:00 AM


Originally Posted by Vettezuki (Post 55170)
Cool thanks. :drink: Whatcha' got? I'd prefer to shoot more rounds of smaller stuff than fewer rounds of bigger as far as the money equation is concerned.

i'll have a .22, 9mm and .45

Douglas Mariani 07-10-2010 06:12 AM


Originally Posted by Vettezuki (Post 55162)
You gotta earn em before you can cash them in. There is no credit at the love bank. :smack:

Thats the truth.....But I think your "Sunset On The Beach" idea can earn me some points.

brianna6c 07-10-2010 08:21 AM

i'm going to be out there in my miata, and i'll try to bring a few guys from as well. never driven with the motorgen group before but it sounds like fun

Sonic03SVT 07-10-2010 08:57 AM

Stuck at work :bang: Have fun folks, I'll have to get in on the next one for sure.

*edit* Motorgen day at the range? Sounds like a good idea! Let's make that happen, I've got 4 or 5 extra guns I could bring to help out those less...firearm inclined than myself.

RiSSa 07-10-2010 11:25 AM

I'll be there in my lil black car.

Vettezuki 07-10-2010 12:34 PM

Anybody who wants to caravan out of the OC, some will be meeting at the Target off the 57 and Yorba Linda Blvd. and leaving around 2:00pm.

Slow_HO_Daytona 07-10-2010 03:33 PM

As usual I'm running behind... If I'm not there when you leave I'll catch up....

94cobra69ss396 07-10-2010 08:18 PM

Thanks for another great event guys. It was a blast. Mya did really well today so I was able to push the car a little.

SeanPlunk 07-10-2010 08:51 PM

Thanks for coming everyone - I hope you all had a good time. I had a blast!

DarkestSpade 07-10-2010 08:56 PM

I had a great time I just wish it lasted longer, Thank you everyone for making it such a fun event and Thanks Sean for helping me with my Mustang's Brake Fluid. Hope to see you all soon. -Kyle

SeanPlunk 07-10-2010 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by DarkestSpade (Post 55202)
I had a great time I just wish it lasted longer, Thank you everyone for making it such a fun event and Thanks Sean for helping me with my Mustang's Brake Fluid. Hope to see you all soon. -Kyle

No worries - glad it was nothing serious!

GTTS > Some 07-10-2010 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by SeanPlunk (Post 55201)
Thanks for coming everyone - I hope you all had a good time. I had a blast!

Great job Sean, and thanks for sending out the Tonto's to bring your twisty addicts back on the right trail (Yellow Line Fever is the Jones). Good people good fun and everyone made sure that all were safe and accounted for.

Take care.

TheClaw101 07-10-2010 10:16 PM

had a great time today, hope to do it again. 1 lesson learned. Before Angeles Crest fill up. Had to cruise the last bit of the way to the peak in 6th gear haha. Neutral all the way down.

Leedom 07-10-2010 10:56 PM

Had a great cruise. Leading as usual and the caravan behind me kept up well. Some people got lost, someone had a car issue, and Sean was bringing up the rear. Typical Motorgen cruise!

blumnday99 07-10-2010 11:59 PM

Which part of the cruise was this?

Vettezuki 07-11-2010 02:30 AM

After Fudruckers, my brother and I went to the Redneck Mecca of Bass Pro Shop/Outdoor World. That place is fu*king amazing! BTW, it looks like it actually has quite a decent restaruant (sea food, love it.). Also, near the shop looks like a strip of restaurants emulating some kind of downtown vibe. Next time we do this run I'd like to give one of these areas a whirl.

Shaolin Crane 07-11-2010 04:19 AM

Damn guys, you're all supposed to come back and say how much it sucked so i can feel better about my car not being done :(

Chuck 07-11-2010 06:46 AM

I missed it shitty working on the house haven't had much time. Getting ready to go paint now. I have been working crazy hours the last couple weeks 20 hr days worked 7:00am to 12:30pm on the 4th.

DarkestSpade 07-11-2010 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by Vettezuki (Post 55215)
After Fudruckers, my brother and I went to the Redneck Mecca of Bass Pro Shop/Outdoor World. That place is fu*king amazing! BTW, it looks like it actually has quite a decent restaruant (sea food, love it.). Also, near the shop looks like a strip of restaurants emulating some kind of downtown vibe. Next time we do this run I'd like to give one of these areas a whirl.

The restaurant at bass pro is really good and the shops near are what form victoria gardens if you have ever heard the name.

kdracer73 07-11-2010 09:16 AM

Had a great time :):) Palmdale is beautiful this time of year ! :sm_up_there::sm_up_there::sm_up_there: I could not believe we got lost and went through Palmdale and beat you to Fudd's! Was Sean leading ??

Leedom 07-11-2010 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by kdracer73 (Post 55228)
Had a great time :):) Palmdale is beautiful this time of year ! :sm_up_there::sm_up_there::sm_up_there: I could not believe we got lost and went through Palmdale and beat you to Fudd's! Was Sean leading ??

Probably would not have beat us if we had not stopped for about 20 minutes at the bottom of the mountain. We gave up waiting for Sean.

kdracer73 07-11-2010 09:41 AM

I have the entire stop on the side of the road " We are lost " conversation on tape !! Did not know the camera was on . F-N riot !:smack::smack::laugh::laugh: It is kinda long, not sure if it will load and may have to edit it a little !

Leedom 07-11-2010 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by kdracer73 (Post 55230)
I have the entire stop on the side of the road " We are lost " conversation on tape !! Did not know the camera was on . F-N riot !:smack::smack::laugh::laugh: It is kinda long, not sure if it will load and may have to edit it a little !

Classic. Lets see it!

pirum 07-11-2010 11:37 AM

Nice to meet everyone. I heard about this event through the NASIOC forums and brought a few friends, all had a great time. I was in the white WRX towards the back of the lead group, tailed by my buddy in the red S2000. Great drive, great people. Thanks! :drink:

Mike08g8 07-11-2010 12:31 PM

Nice to meet everyone. It was my first motorgen cruise, and i had a blast. I was in the red G8, and i drove it like never before around the curves,:bigthumbsup:.

Vettezuki 07-11-2010 12:57 PM

Go here for pics and vids from the cruise.

Leedom 07-11-2010 01:42 PM

I was talking with Sean and we are going to need to do this cruise more than once a year, this cruise it to good to do just once.

Slow_HO_Daytona 07-11-2010 02:15 PM

Once a week? I'm in!

LS1Adam84 07-11-2010 03:01 PM

That was a blast, I messed up the sweeping turn... sadness, I figured the guy in the blue Mach 1 would like to get in front of me. Fun times as usual glad I went.

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