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joedls 12-06-2013 04:02 PM

My daughter's friend is a fan of a musician by the name of Vic Fuentes. So she found a pic of him off the internet...

...and drew this pic for her friend.

joedls 03-27-2014 08:53 AM

My daughter was accepted to Orange County School of the Arts. She will be attending the 7th grade there next school year. We are very proud of her!!!

94cobra69ss396 03-27-2014 08:58 AM

That's great, congrats!

Vettezuki 03-27-2014 11:59 PM

Congratulations. That's a good school

enkeivette 03-28-2014 08:44 AM

It's almost unbelievable that she could do that at 11. Extremely talented.

joedls 03-28-2014 02:23 PM

Thanks guys! She is definitely a talented girl. And she is no longer 11. She is now a whopping 12 years old!

She's very excited about being accepted. It will be a completely foreign experience for her. Until now, she has always been homeschooled.

Vettezuki 03-28-2014 03:39 PM

It's an Arts school. It's VERY different than a typical public school.

joedls 03-28-2014 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by Vettezuki (Post 128399)
It's an Arts school. It's VERY different than a typical public school.

For the academic portion of the school, it's very much like public school. Its only when they start their conservatory classes that it's different.

My son is a Junior there in the acting program. He's been attending there since the 7th grade, so we're pretty familiar with the school. It was quite the adjustment for him, too, to go from being homeschooled to a formal school environment.

Vettezuki 03-29-2014 12:41 AM

Fair point. I've only been around there for some of the music stuff.

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