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MassAppeal 05-06-2009 06:57 PM

dyno graph comparing the Wagon to a v8

Vettezuki 05-06-2009 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by WagonSleeps (Post 21886)
My tuners comments about this discussion

The reason TQ drops is 2 fold. 1-Boost drops. If you look at the dyno chart, boost and tq follow the same trend. 2-The subaru heads cannot flow for crap over 5500 due to the design of the ports. Evo on the other hand has better flow and with a turbo that can make flat boost to redline. It will hold TQ, but a V8 typically cant rev over 6-6500 where and evo can go to 9k+ and so can subies. Not to mention its HALF the displacement/Motor.

Well, the stock LS7 is 7k, lots of track V8s go to 8k and believe it or not NASCAR motors are built for continuous duty at 9-10k. When you say the evo "can go to 9k+", is that in a typical form, or easily done? What's the stock redline range on these Turbo 4s?

MassAppeal 05-06-2009 09:38 PM

My Evo rev limiter stock is 7600k its no problem taking it up to there but untuned its not really needed, now tuned I can go to 8100k which I see frequently:bigthumbsup:
subies usually do not go past 7-7200k, unless built for it

Vettezuki 05-06-2009 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by MassAppeal (Post 21899)
My Evo rev limiter stock is 7600k its no problem taking it up to there but untuned its not really needed, now tuned I can go to 8100k which I see frequently:bigthumbsup:
subies usually do not go past 7-7200k, unless built for it

When do the EvoX heads stop breathing? Do they respond well to mild porting, or are they really pretty much a done deal stock?

MassAppeal 05-06-2009 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by Vettezuki (Post 21903)
When do the EvoX heads stop breathing? Do they respond well to mild porting, or are they really pretty much a done deal stock?

They flow really really good. Don't have exact specs, have not really heard of people doing much porting yet. Car still to new, We are just starting to get some nice turbo upgrade options now:nuts:

WagonSleeps 05-07-2009 09:37 AM

jdm subaru motors run up to 8500 redline stock also.

we just get it bad in the u.s

SeanPlunk 05-07-2009 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by WagonSleeps (Post 21928)
jdm subaru motors run up to 8500 redline stock also.

we just get it bad in the u.s

8500rpm's stock? Sounds like a Ferrari :thumbs_up:

heypal 05-08-2009 01:26 AM

Nice number have a question for you though...Have I raced you?

st-evo-9*corn fed-8urvet* 05-08-2009 08:48 AM

cool beans just what i would expect outta that set up. :thumbs_up:

MassAppeal 05-08-2009 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by heypal (Post 21995)
Nice number have a question for you though...Have I raced you? not sure, what kind of car do you have?

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