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BADDASSC6 07-21-2013 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by enkeivette (Post 118299)
You probably said it in a way that made her feel stupid. Not that you said it in a bad way necessarily. No one likes side seat driving, and she is probably a bit overly sensitive as well. She needs to work on not taking it personally, and you should either offer to drive or bite your tongue.

Flat tax, seems fair. But, dont you think a business, like Apple, eating a larger piece of the pie, should pay more of a tip/ tax?

I think if we charged Billy Joe the same amount of tax that we charge Exxon Mobil, the economy would suffer.

Corporations don't pay taxes they pay tax lawyers to enure they don't have to pay taxes. I could do my taxes myself for free or pay H & R block $100 to get my taxes done. I choose to pay my CPA a fuck whack to do my taxes, but my returns are fucking awesome. I pay a lot in taxes, but not percentage wise.

enkeivette 07-22-2013 12:04 AM

Lol, they pay lawyers who know every loop hole in the book to save probably millions in taxes. But they are still pay millions in taxes, just a lot less than they would.

enkeivette 07-22-2013 12:06 AM


Originally Posted by Ryridesmotox (Post 118301)
The thing is though, that it seems like the large corporations and their high level emploees seem to be able to find some kind of shleter to get around taxes. I doubt Apple pays more than 17%. Though, I'm not sure what they do pay, is that even public record? I'm not really sure to be honest. It seems like they have charitable ways to get around it. For example, I remember a few months ago everyone was tripping about how Obama was paying like 14% (can't remember exactly) in taxes... really? come on, I pay in the upper 20%. How is a guy making 5x what I make paying less than me? That seems REAL fair. There really isn't a good solution here I don't think. It's kind of like do the least jacked up thing possible.

Ya, its not fair. The complexity of the tax code is unjust, but its not going to help the governments income to make it easier for people.

Vettezuki 07-22-2013 12:21 AM


Originally Posted by BADDASSC6 (Post 118311)
Corporations don't pay taxes they pay tax lawyers to enure they don't have to pay taxes. I could do my taxes myself for free or pay H & R block $100 to get my taxes done. I choose to pay my CPA a fuck whack to do my taxes, but my returns are fucking awesome. I pay a lot in taxes, but not percentage wise.

Private corporations DO pay net taxes if they have net profit. Unless they're a start up they need net profit if they're going to attract investment capital or commercial loans. How much they pay varies of course, and gets weird in the cases of corporations who get subsidies. The US technically has one of the highest corporate tax rates.

OTOH, nobody who works for government actually pays anything in taxes. :D

Vettezuki 07-22-2013 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by enkeivette (Post 118299)
Flat tax, seems fair. But, dont you think a business, like Apple, eating a larger piece of the pie, should pay more of a tip/ tax?

What pie is Apple eating exactly?

They are a net benefactor to society. A great giver. An engine of progress. A base for civilization and society. Apple never took a thing from me. The only thing that pisses me off about Apple is they are notorious patent trolls. Fuck them for that. Otherwise, eternal peace and light upon them. They don't owe me shit.

Shaolin Crane 07-22-2013 09:08 AM


Originally Posted by Vettezuki (Post 118315)
What pie is Apple eating exactly?

They are a net benefactor to society. A great giver. An engine of progress. A base for civilization and society. Apple never took a thing from me. The only thing that pisses me off about Apple is they are notorious patent trolls. Fuck them for that. Otherwise, eternal peace and light upon them. They don't owe me shit.

Apple pie?

enkeivette 07-22-2013 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by Shaolin Crane (Post 118330)
Apple pie?


The pie thats in all of our wallets.

Vettezuki 07-22-2013 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by enkeivette (Post 118331)

The pie thats in all of our wallets.

Their existence is a benefit, not a cost to everyone. They trade what they make for what's in you wallet and don't owe anything extra for doing a damn fine job of making what people actually want. Don't want it, don't buy it. Try that with your taxes.

enkeivette 07-22-2013 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by Vettezuki (Post 118334)
Their existence is a benefit, not a cost to everyone. They trade what they make for what's in you wallet and don't owe anything extra for doing a damn fine job of making what people actually want. Don't want it, don't buy it. Try that with your taxes.

Im on your side breh. Just making an analogy. The pie is the economy, and the government is the waitress insisting on a tip. The more pie you eat, the more tip she expects.

Vettezuki 07-22-2013 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by enkeivette (Post 118336)
Im on your side breh. Just making an analogy. The pie is the economy, and the government is the waitress insisting on a tip. The more pie you eat, the more tip she expects.

She doesn't deserve a bigger tip! She's just been standing there bitching the whole time.

What I'm balking at is the "fixed pie fallacy". Though no one has stated it explicitly that's what I'm feel'n is being hinted towards.

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