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fiveohwblow 06-16-2013 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by blackax (Post 116884)
I work in hollywood and yes traffic is a son of a bitch. I'm luck I get to carpool with a guy who lives about 10 mins from my house and we work later (start work at 10) so we miss most of the traffic. But still a normal day is 1:15 mins each way. (70ish miles)

I work with a few people that live less then 20 miles away from the office and it takes them over 45 mins to get in.

That's not bad considering I commute on the I5 and my total distance traveled is 16 miles and it takes me an average of 45 minutes. Not bad. 1:15 would eventually wear on me again as it has before.

Thanks for the info!

fiveohwblow 06-16-2013 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by enkeivette (Post 116854)
That sucks, dont lay down. Fight for your sanity

I'm certainly trying.

Shaolin Crane 06-17-2013 12:11 AM

My commute sucks too :uh:

Shaolin Crane 06-17-2013 12:12 AM

Going and picking up my ex was a 2 hour round trip. Weeee

Shaolin Crane 06-17-2013 12:17 AM


enkeivette 06-17-2013 12:24 AM

Thats fucking retarded, they found a hot celeb for each sign to satisfy everyones fucking ego. I hope your motorgen profile got hacked and it wasnt you who posted that.

Shaolin Crane 06-17-2013 12:26 AM

No I posted it. I thought it was thoroughly hilarious for how retarded it was. "Lets blame our ______ on something so we don't have to change it"

enkeivette 06-17-2013 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by Shaolin Crane (Post 116892)
No I posted it. I thought it was thoroughly hilarious for how retarded it was. "Lets blame our ______ on something so we don't have to change it"

Oh, ok... hahhaha

Shaolin Crane 06-17-2013 12:29 AM

I keep hearing people complain how they're tired of being fat, skinny, lonely weak. Blah blah blah but they do nothing to change it. Rather tiresome.

enkeivette 06-17-2013 12:33 AM

Ive been sick this past week, and studying for an interview. Only got to the gym once. Im sure Ive lost my 275 ten rep bench capability. Fuck. Its been my goal since highschool.

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