Vettezuki |
05-14-2013 01:22 AM |
I've only sent one personn to an ER, not on purpose, and hey, he was trying to take my coke. But mostly I'm nothing but peaches, love and sunshine. Anti-confrontational in the Buddhist sense.
The biggest problem I see with real street fights is that you don't know dick about shit. You may be doing just peachy with when dude, and then poof five of his friends with bats turn the tide. . . let's say.
Vettezuki's approach.
Don't go to stupid places with stupid people and do stupid things.
Amazing how far jus this goes!
Always deescalate a confrontation, walk away, whatever. Who gives a fuck if some dipshit loser thinks you're a pussy.
Beyond this I carry some nasty pepper spray. I'm not interested in fighting. Ok, maybe one in 10,000 can take pepper spray and still be trouble, the other 99.999% are going to be real preoccupied real fast. You can carry it almost anywhere without trouble, unlike a gun, and it doesn't present other problems . . . like accidentally killing other people.