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94cobra69ss396 01-06-2009 12:11 AM


Originally Posted by mybad79 (Post 12671)
so do you pull in forward or back into a spot ???


Wait a minute. I thought Vette guys aways pull in sideways and take up two spots?

Rodsknockin 01-06-2009 07:18 AM


Originally Posted by 94cobra69ss396 (Post 12638)
I don't have a Vette and don't care what went down on the other sites. I'm going off what people have posted here. All I asked was for you to give your name and what you did for a living. It's easy to do as I showed you in my post. All you have to do is type my name is so and so and I'm a sophmore in highschool. See how easy it is?

I thought you wanted to open up a dialog but I'm not so sure now but I will try one more time. My name is Bob Green, 63 years old , my employ is none or your business and is irrelevant,the part you seem to be concerned with is my "volunteer" position. My volunteer position has nothing to do with law enforcement and I am not an attorney. The volunteer organization is also none of your business for obvious reasons. Our group has found that prosecuting people that are abusing the internet is very time consuming,expensive and sometimes next to impossible but by simply gathering info as to what the person has been doing and presenting that information to the right place or person can have a drastic effect on that persons ability to continue. In some case this info is given to this persons employer. If the person has been bullying from a work computer this gives the employer some good leverage. If this person is a trouble maker at work the employer can use this info to put some pressure on this person or just get rid of them. If there is a child involved we just hand it over to the police. In some cases we give the info to a spouse but not usually.
Oh and to whom it may concern (djDip)one of our IPs is Siscom and I am in Florida.

DJ Dep 01-06-2009 07:51 AM

I'd like a little more info....what is your relationship with DB? Have you met him face-to-face or are you one of those self-appointed "protectors of the oppressed"? And why do you think telling the truth about DB IS some form of oppression? Or do you think that him spouting misinformation and bad advice along with his numerous other dubious activities is something to be admired? Do you think he has done nothing wrong in his time at CF? That can't be, since he is on suspension right now.
How do you explain that prior to DB arriving at CF, none of the misnamed "dirty dozen" ever "went after" or outed any other person on CF? How do you explain that prior to DB's arrival these 12 (or is it 10 or 9...I never know what the real count is) were never on social terms with each other and many times vocally disagreed with each other's ideas and opinions?
Yet this same group unanimously agrees that the problem at CF is DB
How do you explain the mass departure of CF "regulars" that had been at CF for years prior to DB's arrival and then bailed within 4 months of him showing up? Yet they are still online at other Vette forums?

Rodsknockin 01-06-2009 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by DJ Dep (Post 12716)
I'd like a little more info....what is your relationship with DB? Have you met him face-to-face or are you one of those self-appointed "protectors of the oppressed"?

I've never "even" talked to DB on the phone.

Originally Posted by DJ Dep (Post 12716)
And why do you think telling the truth about DB IS some form of oppression? Or do you think that him spouting misinformation and bad advice along with his numerous other dubious activities is something to be admired? Do you think he has done nothing wrong in his time at CF? That can't be, since he is on suspension right now.

I don't have an issue with the truth but some of you slant the truth to meet your needs and figure if you say it enough times it will become the truth. Misinformation....he was off on some things but he is young and you guys could have chosen a better way to correct his misinformation than you did.

Originally Posted by DJ Dep (Post 12716)
How do you explain that prior to DB arriving at CF, none of the misnamed
"dirty dozen" ever "went after" or outed any other person on CF? How do you explain that prior to DB's arrival these 12 (or is it 10 or 9...I never know what the real count is) were never on social terms with each other and many times vocally disagreed with each other's ideas and opinions?

I can't explain it I arrived a short time after DB did. So I don't know how you guys acted before I only know how you acted when I got there.


Originally Posted by DJ Dep (Post 12716)
Yet this same group unanimously agrees that the problem at CF is DB
How do you explain the mass departure of CF "regulars" that had been at CF for years prior to DB's arrival and then bailed within 4 months of him showing up? Yet they are still online at other Vette forums?

Because you guys were used to being king of your sandbox.When you handled DBs misinformation in the wrong way and the other members began to complain to the mods and the mods ask you guys to stop you ripped into the mods blaming everyone but yourselves. You guys would still be there today if you would have handled things better instead of having to go to Digital Corvettes and showing your asses over there and getting banned and then having to start your own forum because you don't (as a group) play well with others. Twin Turbo needed a site where he could be boss and be surrounded by yes guys ==== "Vettemod". Guys sign up but find usually less than 20 guys per day visit VM and its very boring.

94cobra69ss396 01-06-2009 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by Rodsknockin (Post 12712)
I thought you wanted to open up a dialog but I'm not so sure now but I will try one more time. My name is Bob Green, 63 years old , my employ is none or your business and is irrelevant,the part you seem to be concerned with is my "volunteer" position. My volunteer position has nothing to do with law enforcement and I am not an attorney. The volunteer organization is also none of your business for obvious reasons. Our group has found that prosecuting people that are abusing the internet is very time consuming,expensive and sometimes next to impossible but by simply gathering info as to what the person has been doing and presenting that information to the right place or person can have a drastic effect on that persons ability to continue. In some case this info is given to this persons employer. If the person has been bullying from a work computer this gives the employer some good leverage. If this person is a trouble maker at work the employer can use this info to put some pressure on this person or just get rid of them. If there is a child involved we just hand it over to the police. In some cases we give the info to a spouse but not usually.
Oh and to whom it may concern (djDip)one of our IPs is Siscom and I am in Florida.

So as a volunteer it's your job to instigate others into defending themselves so that you can turn something over to their employer or spouse?


Originally Posted by Rodsknockin (Post 11945)
Birdbrain is this :rolling: the best you can do ? Come on bring something of substance. I think you have a few feathers missing.:nutkick:

This doesn't seem right to me.:huh:

68L71 01-06-2009 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by Rodsknockin (Post 12712)
I thought you wanted to open up a dialog but I'm not so sure now but I will try one more time. My name is Bob Green, 63 years old , my employ is none or your business and is irrelevant,the part you seem to be concerned with is my "volunteer" position. My volunteer position has nothing to do with law enforcement and I am not an attorney. The volunteer organization is also none of your business for obvious reasons. Our group has found that prosecuting people that are abusing the internet is very time consuming,expensive and sometimes next to impossible but by simply gathering info as to what the person has been doing and presenting that information to the right place or person can have a drastic effect on that persons ability to continue. In some case this info is given to this persons employer. If the person has been bullying from a work computer this gives the employer some good leverage. If this person is a trouble maker at work the employer can use this info to put some pressure on this person or just get rid of them. If there is a child involved we just hand it over to the police. In some cases we give the info to a spouse but not usually.
Oh and to whom it may concern (djDip)one of our IPs is Siscom and I am in Florida.

I can’t believe after the things you typed on here that you are going back to the volunteer internet police charade. If you can’t give us any information about the organization you volunteer for then you are a fraud.

Rodsknockin 01-06-2009 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by 94cobra69ss396 (Post 12729)
So as a volunteer it's your job to instigate others into defending themselves so that you can turn something over to their employer or spouse?

Yep thats the way it works. You ever watch that show To Catch a Predator ?

94cobra69ss396 01-06-2009 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by Rodsknockin (Post 12747)
Yep thats the way it works. You ever watch that show To Catch a Predator ?

That is not what they do. What you are doing is more like a gang banger shooting a rival gang member causing a retaliation by the other gang. Then said gang banger goes to the police and says I just did it so that you could catch them murdering somebody.

You are in no way protecting anyone here. If anything you are just causing trouble. If you are truely what your say you are get off this site and go after the child sex offenders and leave the car enthusiast alone.

Rodsknockin 01-06-2009 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by 94cobra69ss396 (Post 12753)
That is not what they do. What you are doing is more like a gang banger shooting a rival gang member causing a retaliation by the other gang. Then said gang banger goes to the police and says I just did it so that you could catch them murdering somebody.

You are in no way protecting anyone. If anything you are just causing more trouble.

Nope your wrong. I "expose" Internet bullying and stalking.
This coming from a guy that had his kids insulted and his parenting questioned and now has a new buddy.jeez:rolleyes2:
I'm not wasting anymore time with you,move on "boy".

DJ Dep 01-06-2009 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by Rodsknockin (Post 12723)
I've never "even" talked to DB on the phone.

I don't have an issue with the truth but some of you slant the truth to meet your needs and figure if you say it enough times it will become the truth. Misinformation....he was off on some things but he is young and you guys could have chosen a better way to correct his misinformation than you did.

WRONG!! Quoting what DB posts is hardly slanting the truth. It's exposing bullshit. Get a clue pops...and I can call you pops because I am 59...DB has one and only one interest at CF....impressing the newbs. Oh yeah...and having more posts than anyone else. I challenged DB to remove all those pretty post count stars and he suddenly disappeared. I even offered to remove all my stars so that he wouldn't be lonely. He USES those stars as a type of "authoritative indicator" he has them because he is so smart about Vettes and posts all those wonderful INCORRECT answers.

I can't explain it I arrived a short time after DB did. So I don't know how you guys acted before I only know how you acted when I got there.

So now you are admitting you are talking out your ass becasue you haven't the foggiest idea about what CF was like befor DB. So you have NO frame of reference as far as what DB has done to CF. Wonderful.

Because you guys were used to being king of your sandbox.When you handled DBs misinformation in the wrong way and the other members began to complain to the mods and the mods ask you guys to stop you ripped into the mods blaming everyone but yourselves. You guys would still be there today if you would have handled things better instead of having to go to Digital Corvettes and showing your asses over there and getting banned and then having to start your own forum because you don't (as a group) play well with others. Twin Turbo needed a site where he could be boss and be surrounded by yes guys ==== "Vettemod". Guys sign up but find usually less than 20 guys per day visit VM and its very boring.

NONE of us were "King of the Hill" at CF because we were all INDIVIDUALS. We may have exchanged ideas or opinions, but there was no secret society of the "gang of 12" that went around messing with people. We just happened to get together AFTER DB started posting bullshit and incorrect information and we noticed that we were the ones correcting him. There WAS NO "King of the Hill" until DB arrived and became a major post whore at CF. Then HE became self-appointed "King of the Hill" and the mods let him get away with it. Now he is out of control and the mods are in his pocket. I'm still amazed he is banned at CF. He must have done something VERY wrong for that to happen.


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