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enkeivette 02-23-2013 01:31 AM


Originally Posted by fiveohwblow (Post 111446)
I flip burgers. You need me.


Vettezuki 02-23-2013 02:01 AM

I'm watching SGU. It's pretty solid. Still BSG is my favorite.

Damian 02-23-2013 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by enkeivette (Post 111428)
...So that you can use then vs than correctly in your English papers :P


I love that emoticon.

I Guy's defence, college students that have even been in college for awhile still type like that, much worce actually.

fiveohwblow 02-23-2013 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by Vettezuki (Post 111469)
I'm watching SGU. It's pretty solid. Still BSG is my favorite.

Best in all sg lineup was sgu in my opinion. Mad they ended it. Morons.

enkeivette 02-23-2013 03:24 PM

Than vs then is a tough one, I have to think about it sometimes. And in SOME cases you can actually use either. But we all make grammar spelling punct'uation errors on here, no one cares Im just giving him shit cuz I saw an opp

fiveohwblow 02-23-2013 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by enkeivette (Post 111483)
Than vs then is a tough one, I have to think about it sometimes. And in SOME cases you can actually use either. But we all make grammar spelling punct'uation errors on here, no one cares Im just giving him shit cuz I saw an opp


Vettezuki 02-23-2013 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by enkeivette (Post 111483)
Than vs then is a tough one, I have to think about it sometimes. And in SOME cases you can actually use either. But we all make grammar spelling punct'uation errors on here, no one cares Im just giving him shit cuz I saw an opp

English is a hot mess of a language.

Shaolin Crane 02-23-2013 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by enkeivette (Post 111428)
...So that you can use then vs than correctly in your English papers :P


Shaolin Crane 02-23-2013 11:42 PM


Originally Posted by Vettezuki (Post 111490)
English is a hot mess of a language.

Seriously. Didn't even need to nit pic that one.

Shaolin Crane 02-23-2013 11:43 PM


Originally Posted by enkeivette (Post 111483)
Than vs then is a tough one, I have to think about it sometimes. And in SOME cases you can actually use either. But we all make grammar spelling punct'uation errors on here, no one cares Im just giving him shit cuz I saw an opp

Without peeing all over that post...
It's funny how much effort I'll put into making a well built car, working out, cooking etc. And yet, i'll be happy to pass English with a C.
Even funnier I won the school spelling Bee in 4th, 5th, and 6th grade, fo gigure

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