Thakns to kdracer73 again, I done did it. No sissy "relieving pressure"; what's that all about.
It had been sitting for a day so was cold and there was no pressure to speak of. All in all it is pretty self explanatory as I did it and was pretty easy.
However, couple concerns:
1 - On number 8 (which happens to be the problem injector I think) it was either missing the O ring, it bounced somewhere I didn't see when pulling it out, or fell in the runner. I can't see it if it dd. Should I be particularly concerned about this. It's just a little soft rubber, I figure even if it did get dropped in there it would just get burnt up and spit out almost instantly.
2 - A fair amount of fuel came out of the rails, particularly on No. 7, I just let it fall into the intake. It'll probably be at least a week before I get the rebuilt injectors back, so I figure most of that will leak through or evaporate. Should I be concerned? Should I do anything to try and get that fuel out?