So I noticed yesterday that my Neon transmission sounded cooler than normal. (Like a straight cut gear box) Came to find out that it was low on fluid, strange seeing as how I drained the old stuff and filled it up with RedLine about 6 months ago. Filled up with synthetic and all is good (spins quietly and drives nicely).
So I went to find the leak today... I found it but I have no idea what I'm looking at. Look at the red arrow, this little pin (about the size of a head phone jack) is sticking out of the bottom of the trans near the drain plug. This is where the fluid is leaking from. Looking closely at the pic, it looks like the outside of the trans was damaged and it allowed this pin to drop down from inside. Otherwise the pin is what caused the damage and is now lodged in the trans. But the pin doesn't feel lodged in there. I can push it up, and it will come back down when I let go. So strange. Any ideas? Should I push that thing back in or yank it out before I seal it up?!
Ignore the blue arrows, I thought that was a crack, but it's too straight of a line. Must just be a seam.