I finished welding up the underside. I hate welding upside down! I also took a look at the gas tanks because mine doesn't have the pressure sensor on it and Eric's is rusted to shit and I was going to just cut the mount for the sensor out and weld it to mine. However, while I was cleaning them out I discovered that his tank has a built in sump to help keep the fuel at the fuel pump. Mine doesn't have this but instead uses a plastic sump that is part of the fuel pump. I don't want to use mine with the V8 pump because it could starve the engine of fuel on the steep angles I put this truck in. So I've decided that I'm just going to buy another tank that has the sensor.
Here's pictures of the completed steering box. Part of the reason the welds look like shit is because I added plate between the frame and the mount to fill a gap near the front. The two beads v together and make it look terrible. I should have cleaned it up but I realy don't care what it looks like on the bottom.