The Little Big Horn battlefield was on my list of "must see stuff", so I head east on I-90 to the Crow Reservation.
There's a good time. Houses looked like they were less than ten years old and I don't think any of em had more than 2 windows that still had glass in them. I won't comment other than when I stopped for gas, I felt very white and way too light in the ass to linger in this neck of the woods. Sorry, no pics to share. By the time I got to Custer's Last Stand, I'd had about a gallon of gatorade and was feelin pretty good. Tons of bikers! (where were they at that gas stop???) At the small knoll where the fight was, they've done a great job of marking positions and what-not. You can really visualize it. I've never seen combat, so looking at all that and trying to imagine what it must've been like to be hunkered down behind that little knob with limited men and limited ammo, in that heat with not enough water surounded by men that want to kill you in the worst way -scared the shit outta me.
Hit 212 east across the Cheyenne res. and the rest of south east MT. Skirted the corner of Wyoming, and rolled into Sturgis long after dark. I knew what to expect, but I wasn't really prepared for this. Duck-walking our bikes 3 per lane through town at a snail's pace. I found a place to duck in so I could call the campground for directions, and once I figured out where I was, and where they were, got there just as quick as I could!
Rest and relaxation at last!