Thought I would stop in and say hi to the truth-tellers that were banned because DB has certain mods in his pocket. I was banned for questioning the legality of the infamous and overpriced
I didn't insult DB or even give him a hard time. I just asked if the lights were DOT approved. When he couldn't answer with the truth (that they weren't), he ran to the mods and complained he was being "harassed".
I also find it highly interesting/amusing that he has testicular fortitude to lecture people about selling things at CF without being a Supporting Vendor, when he has done the exact same thing himself numerous times. Oh wait...those times he was just "helping guys out".
"The other fine folks." Those would be the DB ignorant legions and his buddies that worship the ground he walks on. They are the guys that have NO CLUE about the BS he is feeding everyone and how incorrect and downright dangerous his advice is. He depends on them to fight his own battles and defend him no matter how wrong he is. So much for him having big nads. have done more than anyone. And that "more" is driving away all the GOOD members of the CF. What's left is a bunch of dumb kids who ask dumb questions and get dumb answers from YOU. You took a perfectly good forum and destroyed it. I suppose you feel good about that. You are the "king of the hill" at CF and have the protection of a bunch of clueless mods. But the fact is you are the king of the DUNG HILL. Your domain is a big steaming pile of crap as that is what CF has turned into since you arrived on the scene.
Have a nice day post whore.

I wonder how many times you have run to the mods on this forum because people were telling the truth. Hopefully, this place won't turn into what CF is now.