Originally Posted by joedls
Before you get crazy, you might wanna remember I hit that wall ~60 with nothing more than a lap belt and didn't get knocked out. Just saying........
I once did a swan dive off the bridge in front of Universal ampither into about 18 inches of water. To re-enact properly, fill up a kiddie pool on your drive way and dive into it . . . from your roof. I didn't get knocked out either, but you might notice my nose is crooked. My friend who followed me . . . not so lucky.
So, in conclusion, you and me have similar awesome taste in hair style, tough, and not so bright probably. . . . but I can drive. Or at least I've never crashed into a loading dock.
EDIT: I just read the reason for said incident. Yikes! BTW, this is why ya'lls be signing a little release of liability form to drive RX-Snake.