Originally Posted by BADDASSC6
. . . My understanding was that NO machining is required for a 402 build. Now most shops will do some clean-up work, but no clearancing is required.
This is not my understanding. I thought a 383 was a drop-in, but a 402 required something to be cleared, but I certainly don't know for sure.
I get it about the aluminum, I was just trying to think of a clever/cheap way to do what you want while having the potential to go into the stratosphere.
BTW, the builder said the weight difference in the block is only 75 lbs, the same as the difference between a an aluminum and iron Gen III.
iron vs. steel
Good point. I get a little sloppy with alloys. What's the difference between cast iron (high carbon) vs. steel (low carbon). I mean, when/how does one become the other? Time for some Wiki or How Stuff Works yee ha.