I had come to that place in my garage life where i needed to upgrade the electrical. To do this properly at a professional level with a real electrician would cost some scratch. In steps big2bird wit a serious value in kind donation to the project that saves me some out of pocket that I can put towards the project. He'll also be the electrical guru on the car itself. Thanks again Jeff.
Some pics of the work we did today.
We went up and over with the big stuff. I've now got a gen-yu-ain 100 amp panel in the garage. That's what my hosue was before the remodel a couple years ago.
A pretty panel with lots of room to grow.
This is what kicked this project off. The compressor I had stopped compressing air, which is kind of a bummer on an air compressor. BRUTAL64 hooked me with a buddy that was selling this compressor for a really really good price. I'm gonna take the stickers off, put a Nuke symbal on it and stencil in EARL in large letters. Seems like an Earl to me.