Originally Posted by Vettezuki
Sure. Why did he suggest two alternators? All enkeivette and I are saying is that in some, admittedly very narrow cases, it may not be inccorect to suggest dual alternators. That's it. I'm guessing it's more colorful than that, so we await your recounting. 
Sorry for the intermission: Dinner:
IN THE BEGENNING, we had clocking:
When the chosen one first joined CF, someone first asked, how do you clock an alternator? Before anyone who knew could answr, he posted
"You should never clock an alternator at home. You should take it to the professionals at O'Rieleys." (An auto parts house midwest).
Of course, all us old guys fell out of our chairs laughing our collective asses off.
(BTW, he now has a paper on "How to clock an alternator).
Fast forward 1 year or so:
The chosen one posts pictures of his new engine, touting the dual alternator/serp belt set up with dual optima yellow top batteries.
Similarly, at that time, he started posting papers about CS alternators and their installation.
When asked why he would need such a set up, it was about safety,(He doesn't like getting stuck on the side of the road), and being able to play his stereo at full thumper volume while idling.
Why someone with fear of being stranded would remove his jack to install a second battery is beyond me, more important is the requirement for this necessity in a sports car.
As we all know, the underhood real estate in a Vette is precious. (LS engines or Procharger installations). We also know the "cavernous cabin" of a C-3 is HUGE. The logic of it all, along with the need for boiling your ears at idle is overwhelming.
BUT, in the interest of perpetuating the need for safety, we had the "How I built a "Dual windshield washer pump" thread.
In sumation, things(gadgets) that he doesn't understand fascinate him. I am quite sure JC Whitneys client base is represented by his demographic.
Airplanes/ships have redundent charging systems for obvious reasons. Hell, the B1B has three independent buss systems. Emergency vehicles have dual systems for obvious reasons also. However, in a sports car, it's just bling. PERIOD.