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Old 12-24-2008, 05:17 PM   #161
enkeivetteenkeivette is offline
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Originally Posted by SeanPlunk View Post
Well, I've stayed out of this up to this point, but I do have a question directed to Durango_Boy. What is the deal with the heads? Have you refunded the money yet? It seems quite simple to me that either the buyer should get his heads immediately or you should refund his money. If you have another side to add, please do, but it seems pretty straight forward to me
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I sell a lot of stuff via E-Bay, and I've never seen anything shipped from one coast to the other that has taken longer than a week. If it's a hazardous item that must be shipped ground, then maybe two weeks max, max. Which cylinder heads are not.

What is the excuse for this DB?

BTW, this is as much the fault of the purchaser. You never trust anyone to ship anything, ever. Either do a COD, or pay with your credit card through paypal and get the seller to agree to a date via e-mail before anything is sent.

I had a problem recently buying something from China (a Halloween costume) the manufacturer promised that they would be delivered before Halloween. (Obviously important) After the money was sent, he defaulted. So I called the credit card company and let them know what was going on, they said with the e-mail as proof it would be a slam dunk. Then I called PayPal, they gave the seller an ultimatum, provide a tracking number with proof of intended delivery by this date, or sumbit a refund. He sumbit the refund. Easy as pie.

When I bought my Procharger, I bought it from a guy in Florida, COD. I included the shipping cost in the COD total. UPS showed up, I opened it up, inspected everything, and handed over the money order. Never trust anyone. It's not personal, it's business.

I'm still waiting to hear why dual alternators is a stupid idea. Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure that some Limos run dual alternators.

I <3 forced induction.
Old 12-24-2008, 05:35 PM   #162
big_Gbig_G is offline
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When alternators were only capable of sourcing 60 - 100 amps...dual alternators might have been necessary. But with today's alternators, like my CS-144 in my s/c'ed 68, I have 140 amps on tap. How much more do you need?
Old 12-24-2008, 05:56 PM   #163
heypalheypal is offline
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First of all I have the attention span of a chuwawa on cocaine. And I went thru a few of these pages and I came to the all important final word of Heypal. Dude you sound like a giant douche nozzle. Pay the money or give the heads and stfu end of story now do that then kill yourself for being scum of the earth for ripping people off. Thank you and goodbye.
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Old 12-24-2008, 06:08 PM   #164
mybad79mybad79 is offline
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Originally Posted by enkeivette View Post

BTW, this is as much the fault of the purchaser. You never trust anyone to ship anything, ever. Either do a COD, or pay with your credit card through paypal and get the seller to agree to a date via e-mail before anything is sent.
If I had something for sale that you want... would you send me a check/MO ???

Until not so long ago we were able to send MO or a personal check for something we bought from long time members off the CF sale section ... now because of one individual who has apparently no intentions to refund the money or send the item we now have to step back and resort to credit cards/Paypal to have leverage when a deal goes south.... thanks everybody at the other forum who supports the guy who does not deliver and at the same time making the victim look like the bad guy

Well, I agree on any other other internet purchase: CC / Paypal ... buyer be careful out there ...
Old 12-24-2008, 06:15 PM   #165
VettezukiVettezuki is offline
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Originally Posted by enkeivette View Post
. . .

I'm still waiting to hear why dual alternators is a stupid idea. Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure that some Limos run dual alternators.

Depending on the application, it's not a stupid idea. Was it a show car with a couple thousand watts of amplification, limo with a jacuzzi, regular Vette . . . what?
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Old 12-24-2008, 06:29 PM   #166
big2birdbig2bird is offline
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Why stop with just two?
Old 12-24-2008, 06:38 PM   #167
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I buy a LOT of stuff from Ebay. Only had a couple of problems. Recently bought a used Pentium processor to upgrade my comp. When it arrived it wouldn't drop into the socket. Closer inspection revealed that one pin was missing and many were bent. The seller was from China. I paid with PayPal using a PayPal Mastercard. I contacted E-Bay and they contacted the seller and I had a refund in 2 hours. That is just plain awesome. I gave the seller positive feedback and had no regrets about doing so.

If I wanted to buy a part from redvetracr I would have no problems sending a money order, check, or any other kind of payment he wanted, because I know and trust him. The problem with DB is people got to know his internet personality and not the REAL DB. The old timers found out what the REAL DB is like when we started questioning his comments and saw the weird things he was doing on CF. People are still bamboozled by DB to the point they are willing to foot the bill for the money he never paid.

Alternators...I'm no electrical expert like DB (haha). But an alternator only puts out what the system demands. I can see installing a high output single alternator if you have a ton of electrical doodads on the car that drain the battery or electrical system. But dual alternators would only be useful as a conversation piece. Even a dual battery car can use a single alternator to charge both batteries. They have a device that automatically switches the charging power over to the battery needing a charge.
Old 12-24-2008, 06:40 PM   #168
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Originally Posted by big2bird View Post
No fair posting a pic of the USS Ronald Reagan charging system!!!
Old 12-24-2008, 06:42 PM   #169
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Originally Posted by DJ Dep View Post
No fair posting a pic of the USS Ronald Reagan charging system!!!
The famous "Iron Trio." Merry Christmas Dep.
Old 12-24-2008, 06:49 PM   #170
VettezukiVettezuki is offline
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Originally Posted by DJ Dep View Post
. . . But an alternator only puts out what the system demands. . . .
Exactly. And it is possible that in some very specialized cases (think jacuuzi, stereo beyond all reason, etc.) the system would have needs beyond what any single alternator (that I'm aware of) could provide. I'm guessing this wasn't the case, but context matters here. Is there a link to the original story?
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