Originally Posted by Durango_Boy
It's funny you guys always blame me when a thread gets closed. Didn't it ever occur to you that it was your own fault for the way you approached the situations? You thought I was wrong or mistaken but instead of just adding the correct info to the thread you would start name calling and throwing attacks around. That's usually when you'd get reported, thread closed, and someone ended up banned.
I wonder if some of you had displayed a little tact...been the bigger man and just added the info you thought was correct. It's hard to be taken seriously when you try to correct someone by yelling at them. Other members and mods don't seem to like that method of information sharing. LOL.
Well I find a lot of coincidence going on when so many threads that you post in ARE closed. I am not going into a thread where you have just posted a bucketload of nonesense and start out with a bunch of excuse me's and pardon me's.
Now let me understand your twisted reasoning... You go into a thread and post a bunch of incorrect information. We are supposed to jump in and post the correct information and just leave your post unchallenged? Sorry, but nobody assigned me as "DB Damage Control". We went into so many of your threads to straighten them out it's not even funny. We got banned because we questioned you posting BS in every dang thread you posted in. But for some strange reason the mods at CF would rather tolerate your misinformation than actually do something about it. Just once I'd like to see a mod stand up and say "Hey DB...if you don't know the answer please don't make one up. It doesn't help anybody". But of course, that will never happen.
BTW...the BIGGER man ADMITS he is wrong in front of everyone. He doesn't run to a mod or have his buddies stand up for him even though he is wrong.
Show me just ONE link where YOU said "oops....I screwed up". And I don't mean that BS where you say "what I really meant".