So why don't automobile manufacturers work on standardizing battery configurations and power couplings? You pop into a 'filling station' and swap out your battery pack for a fresh charge and down the road you go. You pay for the battery rental not the electricity inside, leave that to the station owners to figure into the price.
There is a lot of wide open out there and quite a bit of it sits in windy sunlight.
Cross country in an electric car with an existing delivery infrastructure (we call them gas stations right now) for a price that may not be as cheap as plugging in at home but certainly quite a bit less than pumping 15 gallons of fuel into your car @ $3.89 a gallon (welcome to L.A. folks) every few hundred miles with about the same convenience.
There I go dreaming again...
Two bulls are standing on top of a mountain. The younger one says to the older one: "Hey pop, what's say we run down there and fuck one of them cows". "No son" the older one says,"Lets walk down and fuck 'em all".