I cannot comprehend how anyone can say that CA is not that expensive. First, it has the highest state tax in every category except property tax (it's close there too though). The excessive fuel cost raise the price of every consumable item we use.
As an Engineering Manager I almost moved to Dallas for the same position on a different firm. They wanted for me to move in November while Sarah was pregnant, thus it was a non-starter. I would be making $15K more in salary and saving ~$15K in income tax. That's $30K before I even start into my housing or day to day expenses. I feel like I make pretty good money now, but it just doesn't go far here. I loose about 40% of my pay to medicare, federal tax, SS, state tax.......
I am was seriously considering Texas, Louisiana, and Georgia. I was hesitant to move to Arizona because I just don't think it is having the growth there is elsewhere.
I can't complain too much though. The Marine LNG market as a power source is new and I was able to get the Marine Engineering Manager position for the Current Market leader.
Now if I could just get these things out of here on time and one budget

P.S. the CA school system are broke. That is a huge hit for this family. My wife has a Masters from USD with just under a 4.0 GPA and is struggling to find employment. California has not recovered from the housing bubble crash.