Originally Posted by Leedom
They want the cheapest rate they can. They do not necessarily want the cheapest person though. They want someone who is going to do a good job at the lowest price.
Hence the rate schedule...
I know a licensed contractor who does tile, he does excellent work and is fair but he is not cheap. Will handle the job from start to finish, stay clear and let the man work.
I know guys who have worked for contractors for a long time and are just as good but lack the paper trail. Take an afternoon and a ride to Home Depot and pick out some stuff together and then stand back and let the man work.
And then I know guys like me who are very good at following orders and know some of everything. We prefer showing up to supplies and a plan...
And being paid in cash at the end of the day.
Two bulls are standing on top of a mountain. The younger one says to the older one: "Hey pop, what's say we run down there and fuck one of them cows". "No son" the older one says,"Lets walk down and fuck 'em all".