Originally Posted by SeanPlunk
LOL, it always comes back to that - and you're all of course correct. Again, I'm not advocating that we stop progress because of global warming. I am saying we should reasonably try to reduce CO2 as a species overall where we can. And no, that doesn't include my Cobra
I think that's fine, especially since you've used that wonderfully fuzzy term of "reasonable". What I don't think is fine is unreasoned dictatorial proclamations of enviro-evangelists, which is where we're headed IMO. The really strange part of this is that it may have a net backfire effect by stiffling real innovation. Government, freed from the burdens of generating money by selling goods and services in an open and competitive market, is empowered (like academic institutions) to think in ways that have little to do with economic realities.
Here's but a tiny taste of the future that awaits us.