Thanks again Natie for setting this up. Nice get together (except for Guy showing up)

Seriously though your car’s looking good & once that fuel glitch is fixed, it’s gonna be great. The drive up was good save a couple of people who took too long to move over but whatever. I had to leave early to attend to my broken / leaking washing machine and ended up being an R/A unit for a crashed motorcyclist. The drive back was empty until I rounded one of the corners and then suddenly, there’s two guys standing in the middle of the road trying to “right” the bike. The guy who crashed was limping
very badly & asked me for a ride back to the Shell station. Hey, I rode for 20 plus years so of course I said yes. The whole way back I kept reminding him to go to some kind of urgent care soon. Evidently the front end washed on him, he hit something, then bounced back into the middle of the road. He said his body flipped three times and he hit his head each time. The road-rash encompassed his entire left knee; pretty gruesome. Dude was hurt. Bike totaled. All in all, a pretty eventful day.