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Old 07-01-2015, 04:15 PM   #7
injdinjninjdinjn is offline
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Just too many people on the roads here and you have to suck it up and dial it down to your sight distance. If you are going too fast to stop in the amount of road you have better let off.
A friend was driving WB on the Ortega in his truck and a cop on a borrowed crotch rocket did the same as the go pro rider. My friend, a winston west crew chief went as far right as he could but the bike hit the drivers door and the rider flew off and was draped over the tailgate with his helmet wrapped around the rear bumper.
The biker was racing with a friend that fled, CalTrans workers had been complaining about them for days. Lots of sympathy for the dead guy, but because it was a borrowed bike and his wife reassigned assets my friend got nothing.
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