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Old 01-05-2009, 12:25 AM   #9
Irish_TurdIrish_Turd is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2009
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Originally Posted by Rodsknockin View Post
This poll is for the MotorGen members that have been here longer than 2 weeks.
We all know that DB owes the money and the payment method will be decided by a court of law. Not by the Vettemod crew.
This head deal just took place in October but these guys have been hounding Durango Boy for several years now. Why ?--because he posted wrong info while trying to help someone?—because he posted something that was copyrighted and took it down right away, after finding out it was wrong to post it ? Others have done that…right ? These guys in the past have found that if enough of them gang up, they as a group can make everyone believe what their saying by saying it over and over and over. Saying it over and over doesn’t make it the truth but on the internet it might seem so. These boys are pissed because they wanted the mods at CF to ban DB for posting bad info but the mods didn’t feel it measured up to a bannable defense. When the mods would not do what the boys wanted the boys decided to try and make ALL the other members lives miserable by posting comments in threads that DB wasn’t even in. When a thread was started about an alternator the boys would come into the thread in force and post comments like “maybe you should ask DB he is the alt bitch” or “if you need assistance clocking your alternator contact the gay Super Hero”. The mods had there hands full trying to keep up and the other members began getting really pissed off at the boys for disrupting their threads. The boys say that DB would contact the mods and get posts sanitized and threads closed---that was not true---the other members grew so tired of their childish posts that the other members began contacting the mods the INSTANT one of them posted some of their crap. It wasn’t DB it was the other members.
Granted they are smart and talented and have been a GREAT help to many over the years BUT that doesn’t give them the RIGHT to be judge and jury and then treat others like total shit all using the excuse of trying to warn the world about DB. “THIS IS THE REASON I’AM OVER HERE IN YOUR SANDBOX” not because I support DB in the head deal.
These guys are a gang of bullies, you’ve seen them in action what do you think ?

Let cooler heads prevail here.

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