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Old 03-29-2014, 03:18 PM   #7
injdinjninjdinjn is offline
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Posts: 325

The ACA is a total lie. There are no caps on costs or co pays, only that the ins cos have to spend 80% of revenue on medical costs. The ins cos have the best accounts money can buy so you know that's a useless rule. Decades ago I read where ins cos wrote off #2 Ticonderogas for $1 each.
If the ACA is such a good deal why aren't the politicians shoving this down our throat enrolled, or the unions, or McDs, or other dumocrat buddy buddy companies.
It's just a uncontrolled tax on the people.
Some govt asshole that doesn't give a shit and hates their job will be deciding your medical care not your physician.
Want a example of govt medical care - go visit a Indian Reservation or VA hosp.
In a word - we are fucked.
The R's won't do anything about it exc lip service, they are as bad as the D's. ALL self serving lying crooks.
Feinstein should be in jail for war profiteering and I tell her so every time I email her.
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