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Old 03-28-2014, 11:25 AM   #2
GHOSTGHOST is offline
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Posts: 48

Lets be honest it hasn't been the land of the free for some time it has turned into the land of the illegals and welfare tools. This country is so lost it is sickening I mean politicians should all be strung up the only thing they care about anymore is making money this is no longer a country it is a business. The people at the top are trying to make as much money as possible and screw over all the hard working people in the middle. Our "government" has shown itself to be greedy and corrupt and as a people we should not stand for it. How different is it from the time of the king? Taxes that screwed the middle class and a corrupt government in control, and talk of taking away our right the bare arms. In some areas it is illegal to sag your pant, your can get a ticket for swearing and in another you are told how big a drink you can buy. Now we are being told that we have to have insurance or else!!!!! As it was stated in the Patriot when he says I will not trade 1 tyrant 3000 miles away for 3000 tyrants 1 mile away well it took some time but lets be honest we are there. This country was supposed to be governed by the people and what happened, we are now told what to do with our lives.... Those are my 2 cents
I gladly walk by FAITH and not by sight, I give my entire life to the Lord and pray that his light will shine through me for others to see his goodness. Love you all, you are all my family. God Bless
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