Thread: 93 GMC Typhoon
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Old 03-16-2012, 05:43 PM   #144
DamianDamian is offline
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I wouldnt run straight E85 for awhile, Id just mix it to get either 93 or 96 octane. Quite a few guys run 93 with no problems. I mixed it when I was in NE and I had around 96 octane and it ran great. I only have about a 1/4 tank right now, so it wont take me long to get rid of it. I dropped the inlaws off at LAX today and that knocked it down there pretty good.
93 GMC Typhoon: new money pit/PITA. Now GT3788R powered.

Boost, because sometimes atmospheric pressure just isn't enough.

"If it has tit's or tires, you can be pretty sure your going to have problems with them..."
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