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Old 11-25-2010, 07:12 AM   #24
ChuckChuck is offline
That's Mr. Bitch to you.
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Join Date: Jan 2007
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It started in 2nd grade with thumb tacks on bottoms of this guy Mickeys char. But progressed to ordering pizzas to neighboring houses from pay phones. We did some blowing up shit in the back yard. There were flames over the roof the FD came my buddy said it was the BBQ and he says this isent my first day look at the trees. They were all brown and burnt. Shooting a bum with a potato launcher. One of my buddy's passed out on a couch once so we tied him down to it and loaded it in to the back of a truck drove him to a park and dropped him off in the middle classic. He finally woke up made it back very confused.
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